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Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Environmental management for vector control

Environmental management for vector control cover

This set of training aids provides an introduction to the role of water resource management schemes in spreading a number of important communicable diseases of man. It limits itself to those diseases which are transmitted by invertebrate organisms whose lifecycle, either partly or wholy, is associated with the aquatic environment. These organisms can be flying insects, in which case they are called disease vectors, or certain species of aquatic snails, known as intermediate hosts. For practical purposes, in the accompanying text reference will be made to “vectors” on the understanding that this term includes the snail intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis. It presents a number of adverse conditions as they frequently occur in water resource development projects, followed by examples of environmental engineering measures which can be applied for their correction.

These training aids are first of all aimed at engineers, who are, or will be, responsible for the design and construction of irrigation and other hydraulic projects. However, they are also designed to serve as part of a package of educational material for the training of vector control specialists. They will hopefully contribute to a better mutual understanding and collaboration between these two groups

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Part A [pdf 2.37Mb]
Part B [pdf 2.40Mb]
Part C [pdf 2.50Mb]

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